The Chinese owned construction giant, John Holland Group, has been caught out bullying its subcontractors into keeping records on workers who attend political rallies, threatening legal action and fines.
In a formal submission to the coronial inquest into the death of construction worker Jorge Castillo-Riffo, his widowed partner Pam Gurner-Hall has called for the establishment of a new, independent safety commissioner for South Australia and for coronial inquests into deaths at work to be mandato
A construction company used by Malcolm Turnbull and Michaelia Cash at a press conference in 2016 to announce the prospect of a double dissolution election has admitted to breakin
Serious penalties have been imposed by the Federal Court on Brisbane high-rise developer Menso for breaches of the Fair Work Act during an attempted right of entry by CFMEU officials for a safety inspection.
The CFMEU has called on the Turnbull Government to immediately implement the key finding of the Murray report into Security of Payments. The report recommends that progress claims and retention monies be held in statutory trusts.
The CFMEU has welcomed news of a settlement between its former Canberra organiser, John Lomax, and the Australian Federal Police, over his wrongful arrest during the Trade Union Royal Commission (TURC).
Jorge Castillo-Riffo died during the construction of the New Royal Adelaide Hospital after being crushed by a scissor lift in November 2014. Today, SafeWork SA Inspector Cathy Croci gave evidence in the Coronial Inquest into his death.